Wed 10 Jun 2020 18:00 Ann Schofield
In view of the current world wide situation with the Coronavirus the Management Committee has discussed at length the suspension of the Bolton League and how to address future plans.
The MC has reached the conclusion that, after studying everything carefully and logically, we have decided to accept the positions of the teams as they stood at the time of the suspension, the League Tables should therefore be considered as final, and unfortunately the league season complete. Awards will be given when it is possible to do so safely.
The future of the League i.e. 20/21 season, the start of the season depends on when the Government will allow people to play indoor sports and permit Leisure Centres to reopen, and also on what Badminton England decides. All these factors mean we are not in a position to ascertain whether or not the season will commence in September, we cannot ask clubs to submit teams at this time as it depends on decisions that will be made nationally over the coming months.
You will understand that only when we have assurances for the health and safety of all players can we ascertain dates and formulate fixtures for a new season.
Best wishes to you and your club members in these difficult times.